July 13, 2009

Thoughts from Week 2

“Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words.” St. Francis of Assisi

A few days ago, we got a call from our case worker at Buckner. She told us that the home study on the relative in Virginia has been turned down. The only thing left until E. is adoptable is the termination of the father’s rights, as he is still in prison. We definitely see God at work in the life of this little boy.

We have had E. 2 weeks now. I am not sure what I was expecting to feel after two weeks. I am reading a book on adoption now, and it talks about the different stages of adoption and foster care. The first is the “honeymoon period” where everyone, including the child, is on their best behavior. It can last for up to two weeks. I have joked with my friends that we got jipped because our “honeymoon period” only lasted a couple of days at best. Everyone, including E., quickly felt comfortable letting each other know how they felt about anything and everything.

We find ourselves having to intervene on the smallest of issues these days - from someone getting more chicken nuggets or a bigger cookie, to making fun of how someone talks, etc. Don’t let us mislead you, as we also had these arguments before E. came to live with us. The difference is that now it is every hour!! To put it simply, it has been an exhausting week. In fact, it feels so exhausting at times that we know God is at work .

Paul and I were on Young Life staff in Germany when we first got married way back in the 90’s. Being overseas and doing ministry away from your support base can be very hard at times. There was a couple several years older than us that said something at one of our staff meetings that I will never forget. They were going through a really rough time with their community support (emotional and financial), both locally and in the States. They seriously considered moving back to the United States. However, God gave them a different message. They told us that they felt called to stay “because of how hard it was on them at the moment. They felt called to be still and know that God is God.” Their decision has stuck with me to this day.

When things get hard I question everything about what we are doing…..
• Is this really what God has called us to do?
• Can God change my heart and give me a passion for what we are doing even in the midst of hard days?
• Can God heal a little heart that has been trampled on and discarded and make it open to love and trust again?
I know that we have only been foster parents for two weeks, but this is how quickly my thoughts go in a different direction.

When I found out the home study was rejected, I honestly had mixed feelings. I felt sad for E. because he really has no where to go now. I was excited that we will probably be given the chance to adopt E, but just as nervous as to what that would look like for our family. There is so much that I don’t know - but what I do know gives me a solid peace of mind.

1. God is in control - “Do not fear for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, surely I will help you, surely I will up hold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
2. He hears everything we say and helps us -“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it can not save, nor is His ear so dull that it can not hear.” Isaiah 59:1

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